Monday, April 2, 2012

How to Have a Good Night Sleep

Sleep problems are far too common today. The inability to get a good night sleep is incredibly detrimental to our health and well being. So many people today are functioning every day on far too little or poor quality sleep.

Sleep is necessary so that our nerve sense system can rest and repair. Our upper, more cosmic aspect of our whole being is our thoughts/beliefs and emotions. These two aspects of our Selves takes a tole on us while we are awake and functioning consciously. The Nerves are always in a state of constant activity in order to keep us awake. This constant activity wears down our nerve sense system. The only way for this system to rest and repair is during our sleep, when it can completely shut down.

If you are not getting a full, deep sleep then you are not ever fully restoring your nerve sense system, which in turn manages the energy of our thoughts and emotions. Ever wonder why when you have a crappy sleep you feel so miserable the next day!

What causes sleep disturbances?

There are of course a number of reasons we can not "let go" in order to sleep fully.  There may be physical or mental, emotional reasons.

Physical disturbances that can interrupt our sleep can come in many forms. One of the most basic is being cold at night. As we sleep our body temperature naturally drops. If you are not covered properly or have left a window open, then getting a chill while sleeping may cause you to go in to a semi-sleep state leaving you unrefreshed in the morning. Another culprit is our digestion. Our digestive system takes the most energy of any thing we do. When we ask our body to digest and process food or drink later in the day, it is actually a heavy burden on our whole body. Try to eat most of your nutrients earlier in the day and eat more lightly in the evening, preferably have nothing after 8 pm.
Trying to clean up your inner digestive organs will also go a long way in improving you sleep. If you wake between midnight and 3 am, look to your kidneys as being over loaded, and interrupting your sleep. If you generally wake between 3 and 5 am then doing some liver, gallbladder cleansing would be a good place to start. As always when doing any cleansing it is best to take a probiotic to support the bowels so that they can properly clear away the toxins.
Another physical reason behind sleep problems is pain. However that is a topic for another blog!

One of the bigger reasons people have trouble letting go to sleep, is due to the fact that they are over loaded with unprocessed thoughts and emotions. These unprocessed issues may be recent or of long standing. If they are recent events and you are working through something, then this sleep disturbance should resolve once your conflict has been resolved.  If however, you have had problems sleeping for a long period of time and toss and turn due to thoughts running through your head, then the issue is deep seated. If your sleep issues are chronic/long standing then I would highly suggest you talk with a Natural Health Care practitioner who is able to help you fully understand the state and what is necessary to help you release it fully.

Here are some of the most common Homeopathic remedies that help resolve emotional or mental conflicts related to sleep problems;

Ignatia &/or Natrum muriaticum for grief related issues. If you are suffering from unresolved grief you may be experiencing frontal headaches, a desire to yawn a lot, either insomnia or a desire to sleep all the time, heaviness in your chest and of course a desire to cry at any time.

Aconite, Gelsemium &/or Argentum Nitricum for fear or shock related issues. If the shock was extensive or specific, there may be larger remedies required to resolve the shock. One way to know that you are still suffering from a shocking event is the constant feeling of anxiety or dread along with an inability to focus your thoughts, time passes slowly. Most Shock induced sleep issues are narcolepsy, snoring, sleep apnea or complete sleeplessness.

Staphysagria is a wonderful remedy to help release most anger or frustration, along with the remedy Sepia. A lot of people are unaware that they continue to carry their anger in life. Be attentive to your emotions daily and if you find you feel, flat or depressed, sleepy all day but not at night, or are easily frustrated by events then the odds are you are hanging on to unresolved anger. There are of course more specific remedies to help depending on the individual and what they need to work through. However, starting with these main remedies may help alleviate your sleep issue enough for the time being.

Lachesis &/or Hyoscyamus are remedies specific to resentments and jealousy. If you have recently experienced either of these emotions and are having trouble getting a good night sleep due to constant waking, then working with either of these may help you to fully release this state and let you move past it.

When working with Homeopathic remedies for emotional and/or mental problems, it is always best to start with a 200 ch potency and work up. Be sure to take the remedy in the morning as well as the evening. In this way you will be helping your whole body release the inner trauma gently and efficiently. The best way to know the remedy is effective, is to be aware of the specific symptoms you have been having prior to taking the remedy. Then be attentive to what symptoms have been alleviated, over the first few days of using a remedy. If nothing has shifted in 3 days then you have not chosen the right remedy.
Purchasing a book that explains remedies and their action would be a huge benefit for you in making an informed choice.
Here is one of my favorite books -

Happy sleep hunting!


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