Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Regimen and nutrition continued - typologies

During the early years of my journey in to finding true health for myself, I came across a body typology diet or lifestyle that was based on blood typing. What that means is that according to what blood type you are; A, B, AB or O plays a significant role in what foods work best with your blood type. Again, like the glandular typing I won't go in to huge detail since there is lots of information about this on the Internet or you can buy Peter D'Adamo book. However, the basic premise is that each blood type is a reflection of different inherent backgrounds and evolutions of humans from the time of the nomads [O blood type who are more protein/meat eaters], hunter gatherers [A blood type who are more vegetarian, low fat eaters], to today's more diverse combinations of ethnicities and most modern blood types B and AB which are more omnivorous and can handle a wide variety of food types.

For myself I am an O blood type which in it's basic form means that I am the oldest most common type, this type is designed to be more of a meat eater according to D'Adamo. What I have found though personally and professionally is that the blood type diet is a very small piece of the puzzle. Yes it does have significance in what types of food groups the individual should be eating for optimum health. However, it only applies for specific food groups. Such as for an O type being classified as a protein/meat eater tends to be very broad and not very specific. But if you add in metabolic typing to this you can individualize it much more and discover more specific foods within that group that are best suited to that individual. As an example say you are an O type but you have a very alkaline system and are a slow oxidative, in other words you may be a meat eater but your digestive system is not adequately set up with enough enzymes and acidity to break down the heavy protein in dark meat in to useable energy. Thus if you where to eat a large steak you would feel very slow and lethargic afterwards as your body tries diligently to figure out how to process this heavy protein. You would probably feel better on lighter meats or vegetable protein sources. Whereas the O blood type individuals with a higher metabolic rate, will be able to easily break down the heavier purines in dark meats and actually feel more energized after eating these food sources but less so after having only vegetable proteins.

I have also come across many A blood types that are supposed to be vegetarians, who are very fast high oxidative types, thus they process their foods rather quickly and need higher amounts of protein and minerals and fats in their diet. If these individuals choose to be vegetarians and do not get high protein sources daily or supplement with minerals and high B12, then they usually end up with significant degeneration especially in their bones, nails and hair.

So as you can see just choosing one type diet over another is not the way to true health. What we must do as individuals is look at all the different ways our own unique body works and eat according to how we know foods make us feel and function. In other words pay attention to your body it knows best!

Even our age plays a significant part of our nutritional makeup. As we age our metabolism naturally slows down. Unless you are running marathons at age 40 and up then your protein intake needs to decrease yearly. There simply is no growth going on and or body building, again unless you are an extreme athlete, thus you need to always be monitoring your food intake and energy levels to maintain your own health and equilibrium. No matter what blood type you are.

From here I would like you to go and do some personal research. Find out your blood type, do an online survey and discover your metabolic rate, find out how you react to certain foods, what works best for you and what does not. Remember it is YOUR body so take care of it, love it by taking ownership of it and treating as well as you would like to be treated. That is the only way to truly find out how to feed your body in order to have the optimal energy and weight for your physical structure. One of the best ways of course to do this is after finding out these two types that fit you best, stick to the diet suggestions, eliminate all the food sources that are not recommended for you and see how you feel after one month. If you haven't noticed any significant improvement it may be due to several factors.
A. Either you where already eating fairly close to your body type and didn't need to make significant changes. If this is so then you should normally have constant energy and mood most of the time.
B. You did not change your diet enough to get noticeable results. Quite often we have trouble truly letting go of certain food types that we have eaten all our life and we some how convince ourselves that its still ok to eat it. If your typology results have asked you to remove a certain food source give your self the opportunity to truly find out if you will feel better without it for at least a month.

Another way to find out if you are eating appropriately is to test your body Ph levels. Get yourself a Ph testing kit from a local drug store and every morning and evening test saliva and urine Ph. It should sit around 6.7. If it is not then you are not eating properly. continue to monitor this while you are making changes and once you get your diet properly adjusted for a continuous period of time your Ph should begin to normalize and stay consistent. When you body Ph is perfect then you will know that your body is functioning at its optimum. You will also not be susceptible to illnesses since bacteria and virus only resonate in a body which is deficient one way or another.

Remember it is ok to periodically eat things that are not good for you, provided you are consciously aware that is what you are doing and you only do it in small amounts and not all the time. Also be willing to pay the price if your health is not at its optimum when you eat these foods then you are going to feel the effects via sluggish digestion, possibly headaches, improper elimination, energy fluctuations and emotional imbalances.

Life is meant to be enjoyed but It will be much more enjoyable when you feel and look great for yourself as much as possible.

Live, love, laugh and eat according to your unique body mix of typologies!


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