Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Who's Driving the Bus?

Even though a large part of my practice is working with the true laws and principles that surround how we get sick and what remedies or true natural medicines are needed along with Nutrition and regimental support to help heal. I probably spend a greater amount of time helping people understand who is "driving their bus!" In other words helping my clients become more aware of their thought processes and the simple fact that they, and by they I mean a very deep core inner sense of self our true "I"; thus they or their true self is and always will be in control of their thinking. But the key is to become aware of their thinking and thought patterns, to become aware of themselves as a true individual "I".

Who am I? I am what I think!

 To come to know and understand how we think and then learn to take control of what  we think so that we can truly be the "driver of our bus"is one of the most crucial aspects we must face today if we want true freedom. And by becoming our own driver we can begin to actually fully control our life in a more conscious fluid way. Because we are what we think and what we think is simply a belief structure that is in place to help us to have some form or functioning realm to be in that feels comfortable. Belief structures are not deep truths they are fluctuating patterns of thoughts that are either impinged upon us at birth and in early life when we are not consciously aware of our own ability to think or we develop them over time with our own experiences. Thus we take them on as true facts and make them our own and create our life out of that reflection given to us. But we can change these beliefs at any given moment if we CHOOSE to. The trick is to being aware of what that belief is that we want to change and then taking the time and effort to change it through constant repetitions of new ideas and thoughts that we feel would support us at this time in our life better.

For example, lets say you feel undeserving of success. The way this belief has come about is unimportant. What is important is recognizing that this is what you believe at this point in time and making a conscious choice in your mind to change this. To change this belief for good we need to A. Be aware of every time is presents itself in our thoughts, actions and emotions. B. Each time we recognize it make a conscious effort to replace it with a more positive thought or affirmation such as "I absolutely deserve this...by divine right. Or what ever affirmation you feel is appropriate for you. C. Along with this thought change we need to instill an emotional feeling to this thought. Imagine how you would feel if this NEW belief where so. Imagine how great and happy you would feel with this belief as a part of who you are, here and now. Hold this feeling and thought for as long as you can. Then move on with your day.
Remember each time you feel confronted by the old belief/thoughts and feelings, that you would like to change, you must take the time initially to work consciously on it each and every time. The more you work on it with effort the faster it will become a part of who you really are the faster the old belief will be washed away.

This is a project in creating your full true self; the you that you want to be in this life, not the results of old passed on beliefs and inheritances.

Sometimes we need help recognizing our deep core beliefs that are holding us back. If you are struggling with things in life but can not see clearly enough to recognize what old belief pattern is holding you back then asking the objective opinion of a close friend or seeking professional help might be well worth your time.

The most important thing is to be willing and ready to change. In order to become the best you, that you can be in this lifetime takes courage and determination. We must be able to see ourselves as objectively as possible and be willing to do what ever it takes to make the changes we desire.

Remember you and your life is what you believe it to be, whether you believe life is a struggle and you will never get a head or you believe that you are successful in what ever you do and the universe always provides the best for you at every given moment. These thoughts and emotional patterns are created and proliferated by you and for you. And only you can change them if you choose. 

The power is in you to decide if and when you want to change your self!

Life is too short not to be who you really want to be every single moment so face your fears and live your life fully for yourself. Decide now to be who ever you want to be and go for it.

Seize the moment and enjoy it fully.

in complete joy,

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