Chronic depression is insidious, it tends to sneak up on us, and it slowly envelopes us in a shroud of blackness or a dense fog. Low state depressions can manifest as being tired most of the time, or sleeping too much. Perhaps it's having trouble feeling pleasure and joy in every day to day event, and a need to seclude oneself from life. Or maybe it's feeling frustrated and overwhelmed constantly in daily life. It can be a very scary place to be because one can feel completely alone and that others do not understands the depth of this depression.

The only way to unfold from depression is to face the things that have caused the depression.
What creates this blanket of darkness? Depression is the ultimate armoring. By "armoring" I mean that it is a defense mechanism created to protect us from an overwhelming life. When life, with its many different trials and events, becomes too much for us to process effectively, we begin to shut down in order to survive.
Most people see depression as a state of deep grief or sadness about life. In actuality, that sadness is a result of intense oppression from life, meaning that too many events in life cause the feeling of being limited and overwhelmed. In society, we are not taught or allowed to understand our emotions and therefore freely express ourselves. Often this oppression creates a deep inner anger.
People with low grade depression can put on a false happy mask, and pretend that everything is okay. Swallowing anger and depression, then pretending it is not there is common in our modern world. This can cause depressed persons to shut down completely. Depression does not just happen over night, it usually has been building for many years, and in some cases whole lives.
Being freed from years of depression, like many things, starts off by admitting the problem. Recovery from these dark periods can start with understanding all the emotions and traumas that triggered this final oppression, and this process should be unfolded, slowly and gently. Issues should not be faced all at once. Honour and patience must be allowed in order to face one 'demon' at a time for healing to occur. This approach will ensure that each issue is worked through fully release the oppressive state. Taking one day at a time, and trying to find a bit more inner joy in each day are the best foundations to wellness. Viewing depression as a life lesson needed to be learned, and knowing depression can be overcome to see the beauty of tomorrow are two good perspectives.
If you know that you are suffering from low-grade depression, and want help finding a healthy, natural way out of this low period, please contact me. There are some effective, potent and safe homeopathic remedies to help you to release and let go of the overwhelming emotions, and mental traumas that have triggered this state in you. I provide counseling, nutritional therapy and a "toolbox" of ways to handle your depression in daily life, in a wholistic, loving manner. If you would like to learn more about these treatment options, please call my office and book an appointment. You do not need to pull yourself out of this alone!
Peace, love and gratitude.
Have a joyful day,
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