Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How to Cope with the Fear and Panic in Today's World

In light of what is going on in Japan I thought it would be a good time to talk about how we can learn to properly understand and deal with our fears in a natural way.

Fear is a very difficult emotion to get a handle on. We all have deep fears and insecurities that we have developed since birth. Emotional or mental traumas that we have had impinged upon us such as someone scaring us on purpose or unintentionally, an accident that happened suddenly like falling from a bed or chair, and so on. Most of the time these events are not done on purpose but they are events none the less that affect us in greater or lesser ways. We retain the internal memory of the event even though our outer consciousness has moved beyond it to deal with life moving forward. The problem is that no one knows how to properly face our fears and deal with them appropriately in order to let them go when they occur or shortly after. Like most people we simply try to ignore our fears and pretend that they are not there and hope they simply go away. In most cases they do seem to go away if we ignore them long enough, however really what has happened is that we have simply suppressed it deeper in to our unconscious soul life to lay sleeping until something similar triggers it to come to the surface for us to face once again.

That something can be a huge worldly event like what is happening in Japan right now. Even if you are not someone who regularly watches the news it is pretty hard not to know something about the incredible fear and panic that must still be going on in Japan on the wake of the terrible earthquake, tsunami and explosions at the nuclear reactors. Those of us who are well aware that we are all connected in some way via the sea of etheric energy that encompasses the entire earth and enlivens every thing therein realize that as the wave of fear and panic moves like the ripples on the ocean we all feel it in some capacity. We may think we are far enough away here in South Western Ontario, Canada, but no one is left unaffected in some way.

With that all said how do we as an individual A. recognize if we are in some way being affected by this energy, and B. If we are affected how do we work through and release it from our body so it does not create long term problems?

A. The easiest way to discover if you are being affected by something is to be attentive to your emotional reaction around the event. For example if every time you read or hear about the events in Japan do you feel tension build in your chest or stomach area? Do you feel agitated and anxious and a tightness in your throat. Does it trigger old memories of fearful events?
Fear affects our bronchial system first. In chinese medicine fear is related to the lungs. Also in German new medicine the lungs relate to fear. It is not surprising then that when people who are deeply affected by a fearful event, develop bronchial and/or lung issues, such as bronchitis, croup, and pneumonia. When we feel fearful our emotional body triggers a reaction in our physical body to prepare us for flight or fight. So energy and blood flows to the limbs, heart and lungs, and energy is drained from our digestive system. If our fear is long standing and becomes a chronic state then our muscles become exhausted weak and sore, our heart becomes excessively stressed and creates all kinds of heart related issues like tachycardia and cholesterol builds up in the arteries to repair the chronic stress and tears in this over worked system. As well our lungs become prone to all kinds of excesses, and possibly scar tissue as it too wears down from being chronically over worked.

B. So how do we let go of this fear? First we need to become aware that we are fearful or anxious and that we are hanging on to it. Then we can do several things to help ourselves release it.
1. Breathe work is vitally important. When we are chronically tense we tend to shallow breathe and hold our breath in, but never fully release it outward. By doing some deep breathing exercises that focus on a long push outwards of our breathe we will create a relaxation of this lung system. Try to at least do 3-5 deep exhalations several times over the day to help your whole body to relax and release tension.
2. Positive self talk; Every time you feel yourself getting tense and anxious begin to think positive warm loving thoughts. Find a positive affirmation that helps you to not get caught up in the fearful emotions, such as "I am protected by divine right, the universe only gives me what I am able to deal with. I am capable of being in control of my own thoughts, emotions and actions."
3. There are also many amazing homeopathic and tonic remedies that can help us to let go of what ever fearful state we are hanging on to. Some of the most used and general fear remedies are Aconite,  Papaver(opium) and Phosphorus. The trick with homeopathic remedies is to find the one that best matches your state. Aconite is great for immediate or sudden shocks that are violent or frightening. It will put the individual in to a state of restlessness and distress that they can not seem to let go of. Opium as a homeopathic remedy also comes about from extreme shocks and frights, this state is more intense in sensation than Aconite and creates a extreme restlessness and agitation with renewed aggravation with each recollection of the fright or event. This state will then lead in to a shut down exhausted stuporous state, which causes the individual to feel out of touch with reality, an inability to fully function with mental clarity. Quite often people in this state feel mentally foggy and very forgetful. It is a type of coping mechanism at work trying to save the individual from the extreme shock and fearful state. Phosphorus is useful for individuals who are extremely open and sensitive to all external energies and have a really hard time maintaining their own boundaries and energy in check.
When using a remedy for the first time start with a 200ch and take one granule or drop as often as you feel you need its affects, provided that your fear is not overly huge.
Quite often with an emotional state it is important to match the potency of the remedy with the level of intensity you are feeling it. For instance in the case of an extremely shocking and fearful event that affects you directly it is wise to go in with a 10M or 50M or even CM potency at first to address the state with a strong enough potency to get an immediate shift of your life force/etheric body where the emotion is felt and created. Then as the state diminishes you can reduce the potency. Provided you still feel relief from the remedy when taken it is the right potency.
As a side note to remember, homeopathic remedies are dynamic and energetic in origin if being used over a 12 ch potency, so they are not able to create any kind of 'side effects' or new states. If you get a noticeable aggravation of your symptoms then it is usually do to the fact that you are either using a dose too high for your own state or you are taking it too often. Simply reduce the potency and/or frequency until you get the desired results. Remember you can not create anything new with a homeopathic remedy. If the remedy is not the right one for your state know that it will not harm you, in fact if it does not resonate with any energetic frequency or state in you then it will simply dissipate on its own, leaving nothing in its wake!
One final thought on fear, be sure to remind yourself that you create your own emotional states and you have the power to decide what emotional state you want to give energy and power to within yourself. If you feel fear and anxiety on a regular basis, seek out a professional to help you recognize where it is stemming from and how you can fully face that fear and let it go for good.

In peace and gratitude, enjoy your day.

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