Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Wholistic Look at Eye Health

To physically see and experience life through our eyes is truly an amazing gift. Thus, it is important to take care of our eyes and understand some of the things that can harm them along with ways to keep them strong and healthy.

The most obvious injury, is from external objects that can scratch or damage our eye. Most people have at some time or another had a scratch on the eye from a dust particle, or stick and so on. These are quite painful initially, and it is always wise to go to the doctor to have it assessed to make sure there is nothing seriously injured. The eye, like our mouth and tongue are the two quickest organs to heal, due to the overabundance of nerves and blood vessels. To help the eye in the first couple days, use simple saline drops to keep the eye moist. Keep it closed or covered and use some trauma remedies like arnica and aconite at a 30 or 200 ch (Internally, not directly in the eye!).

 A a black eye resulting from a hard blow, is treated successfully with the homeopathic - Symphytum for the bone damage and Ledum for the black eye at a 30 or 200ch. During the initial stages always take remedies at least one dose every 10 to 15 minutes for 4 to 6 hours or until  your symptoms seem to ease. Then slowly reduce the use of the remedy as needed for relief.

Conjunctivitis or Pink eye is a common inflammatory reaction that is seen in both children and adults.  Many things can trigger this condition such as a common cold that gets transferred to the eye via our germ covered hand. Pink eye can be viral or bacterial, and both have their own degree of symptoms. This is a great web site that defines both -

Once again, natural saline drops -, will help palliatively and soothe the eye initially. You can also buy special eye drops that have low dose specific homeopathics in them to help speed up the healing. The best homeopathic remedies to heal Pink eye are; Euphrasia, Aconite and Apis, which can be taken in combination, either at a 30ch or 200ch potency and used every 15 minutes until your symptoms begin to improve. As your symptoms improve, you can lessen the number of times you use the remedies. Furthermore, you can eliminate the remedies if you feel you no longer need them, or until all symptoms are gone.

Chronic eye problems  such as glaucoma, cataracts, floaters and weak vision generally come from poor diet, stress and aging.
Most of these conditions can be greatly reduced by knowing what the causation is on all levels and doing what is required to rectify it. From my experience, all chronic degeneration stems from poor diet as well as an overload of emotional and mental stress. It is best to seek help from a Natural Health Care Practitioner in order to understand exactly how diet, mental and emotional stress can individually be causing these symptoms. They will then recommend what is required to make improvements in order to stop the degeneration process takes.

As with all chronic conditions, the longer the damage has gone on and the older you are the harder it is to recover the tissue. 

If you have been recently diagnosed with one of these conditions then the best place to start is by cleaning up your diet! 
1. Eliminate foods that most people react to like wheat, dairy and sugar. 
2. Eliminate alcohol, carbonated drinks and caffeine.
3. Begin a gentle cleansing of your internal organs and de-stress them. 
4. Drink more clean filtered water and add lemon to help balance your ph levels.
5. Go and find a qualified Natural Health Practitioner or Dynamic Physician who can help you further understand what is triggering your symptoms and help you design a plan to begin removing the load that is causing this damage.

Monday, March 19, 2012

What is a Homeopathic remedy?


A homeopathic remedy is a substance that has been produced through a very strict manufacturing procedure called succussion and dilution.

To make a homeopathic remedy, you take any substance and break it down through maceration; the process of softening or wearing away a material by wetting it or steeping it in a liquid. 

iMAGE SOURCE PAGE:                                                        

Once the substance is dissolved in a liquid, then the process can begin. If the substance is insoluble, then it will be ground down in to a powder of lactose or milk sugar.
To make a "ch" or centesimal potency, you take one drop of the original substance that has been macerated in to a liquid. You then place this drop in to a clean glass container that has 99 drop mixture of pure water and alcohol in a 70/30% dilution. This first dilution is succussed or agitated aggressively (in the old days they where succussed by hand, but today are done by machines) This violent agitation creates a highly diluted substance where the original material is diffused into all parts of the liquid. This agitation also "fires up" the energetic will forces of that substance. This original dilution is termed a Mother Tincture or stock. 


To make a 1 ch potency, one drop is taken from the Mother Tincture and is succussed in 99 drops of water/alcohol for a set number of times. This repetition of diluting and succussing is what creates the potencies.
Most potencies you see in your local health food stores will be 12 ch, 30 ch or 200ch. These potencies are most effective for every day physical health conditions like coughs, sore throats, fever, etc. Natural Health Care Practitioners will use this scale as well as higher dilutions like 1M, which means a dilution of 1:99 drops succussed 1000 times. The higher you go in potency, the more energetic and dynamic the substance becomes. This dynamic medicine, will be more effective at our soul/spiritual or mental/emotional level. Thus, when looking at a remedy to help with an intense emotional trauma, it is best to start with a 1M instead of a 12, 30 or 200 ch. 

There is another scale that is quite often seen in health food stores, and it can lead to a lot of confusion about potency and which one to use; this is the x scale. This is a much less diluted scale, since it is diluted in 1 drop substance to 9 drops of water/alcohol. This scale, even when diluted and succussed to a 1MX/1000x is still highly physical in its action. This is due to the fact that there is still some form of the physical substance available in it. If used for a long period, it can cause aggravations at the physical level. Once the ch scale is above a 12ch, there is no physical substance left! Thus, the ch remedies are much safer used over longer periods and for individuals who have chronic health concerns.
The x scale must be used with proper care and only for short periods of time, similar to any chemical substance like drugs and herbs.

If you are new to homeopathy and would like to use a safe natural medicine to help you and your children over come many acute health problems such as, coughs, colds, flus, fevers, ear aches and so on. The ideal potency for acute illness is usually a 200ch. If for some reason you can only get a 12ch or 30ch, then it is recommended to take it more often in order to alleviate symptoms. 

Feel confident, that if you start with the ch scale that you can never create anything new. This is not possible, since there is no material substance in them. They are only composed of energy that is directed to deal with the particular symptoms the remedy is specific to. An example is Allium cepa, which is a remedy made from onion. When we chop an onion, it creates watery eyes, a runny nose, and a slight stuffed up feeling. Once this substance becomes a remedy, and taken in homeopathic form, it will cure those exact symptoms. Those of you who suffer from mild seasonal allergies will find that Allium Cepa when taken at a 30 or 200 ch will help the symptoms to be eliminated, safely and effectively.

Have fun trying out different remedies for you common ailments!
