Sunday, February 13, 2011

My First Book

This book is about understanding true health.

A true system of health care must understand the complexity of the individual along with the proper laws and principles we must abide by. 

In a very simplistic easy to follow way I describe the many ways we fall out of health and what is required to regain our health on all levels; mental, emotional and physical, using only proven natural methods.

I have been a health care practitioner using only natural medicines and healing techniques for over 8 years. Prior to this I had personally only used natural medicines to heal and maintain my own health for almost 30 years.

This book is an accumulation of my life’s work to date. What I have learned about how we fall out of health, the different levels of diseases and imbalances and how to properly restore our health at all levels; Mental, emotional and physical, since they all ultimately work together to create whom we are. We are dynamic, multi-faceted beings whose health and disease reflect this complexity.

A true system of natural medicine must understand this complexity and should always be in process and development; yet, at the same time always following natural laws and principles. Laws that we as humans are subject to. This is the only way to truly heal and cure without creating other more complex problems.

In this book I have tried to explain these known laws and principles in a way that everyone can understand and apply. We are in an age of vast amounts of information at our fingertips. The problem is being able to understand what is the right information for our selves and our individual issues. There are so many different types of therapies available today that it can be daunting to decide what direction to go when we are truly in need of some help. That is why I have written this book.

I hope that those who truly care about their health will find this information useful in determining their own path to true health.

A little rant about understanding true health

Its time I come out of my safe root cellar and address societies misunderstandings about health. I have spent many long years working quietly on my own health and wishing and hoping others where doing the same thing. Only to wake up one day with the truth and knowledge that is available to everyone and discover that very few people actually understand true healing.

Granted we live in a so-called modern society where everyone has access to knowledge, there is an overabundance of information regarding health, and the many varied ways to achieve this. But are we really any healthier?

Some days I feel hope for mankind,  our evolution to higher self-realization and consciousness and respect for ourselves and the world we currently inhabit... and other days not so much. 

We have gained so much ground in recent years when it comes to the desire of the general public in view of healthier living and a more natural approach to our illnesses; instead of suppression and masking of symptoms. People finally want the truth, the real answers. This is evident by the need for the government and the medical establishment to squash any uprising and acceptance of natural medicine and healing techniques; due mainly to the decline in their own power with the masses. Just look at the recent ridiculous antics of a certain Canadian television “documentary” that had the audacity to try and make homeopathy out as an unscientific system of medicine!? 

Yet I would hate to try and turn the tables and be the one trying to explain the real science behind how Allopathy/conventional medicine works. Because in truth there is no science behind chemical drugs other than empiricism. Natural medicine has always been based in natural laws. It may not have been fully realized or recognized in the past, but if you have ever read or heard the truth about something and felt that inner connection like a light bulb just went off in you then you along with millions of others over the years have realized and utilized the full truth about natural medicine.

Now having said that, here comes my real rant. The sad thing is that we as a society are still just on the cusp of fully understanding the truth behind ‘real health’. We all (who are on the path of truth) know that real health is not suppression or masking symptoms as conventional medicine does. Granted at times this is necessary to dramatically save a life, but once the panic is over the need to address the true underlying issue is the only real way to solve a problem. 

The other major hurtle I see right now is the fact that the mass majority of people in the so called health movement are of the belief and I use that term loosely, that proper regimen, ie diet, nutrition, supplements, detoxifying and so on is going to cure disease! Sorry to have to say this folks but that is not the case.   

Read the rules very carefully. Dr. Hahnemann was a genius for a reason.He was a true scientist through and through and his foundation of the true cosmic laws that surround healing and curing and the difference between the true was based on a higher knowledge and rings true when you are able and willing to see it.